Project Designer 3

as seen on

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

3rd place:
realityundersiege's collection was very constant and very her. We were expecting that she would use a nautical theme in her collection, and we were right. The clothing designs were consistant and very well realized. But the overall design of the garments left much to be disired. They were basicly drapes and fittings of slik, cotton, and chiffon...don't forget the braiding. Silhouettes and fabrics aside, the minimal success of her collection, it seemed to me, was largely in the details. Fitting, cuts, and layers were all personal favorite...the 6th look. It was all details and very fabulous. Her choice to design a A very nice cotton blend with silk navy blue stripes running down it, and navy blue buttons as well, with white with navy blue stitching was the perfect unifying ingredient. Suddenly, I saw how the collection could - and would! - work. realityundersiege's showing at "DeviantArt Fashion Week" was excellent and very strong. She pulled it off and with great style. RISD, here she comes!
1st Place:
ladylucezia knocked me out! The first knockout was with the first look... The egyptian inspired design full of rushing and folding...which was beautifuly evedent in her collection-- - was a masterpiece. This design was so restrained, so elegant, yet so sophisticated. It was, indeed, beautiful and could stand perfectly well alongside the fabulous collection. ladylurezia's's collection is, in a word, magnificent and couragoeus. It had the same theme as adriannauks the season before...but this was clearly more understood and well thought out (no offence!) I could easily see it at Bergdorf Goodman or Saks Fifth Avenue (without the wild accessories). I was wonderfully blown away by the was magnificent. lucrezia did herself proud It was just a bit costumy.. It was all a matter of peraonal taste, the collection was wonderful and very historical, and I wish you best of luck in the future! Congratulations, sweetheart!! You really EARNED this achievement!! You get the interview!!! And now many views for future works on DA!
2nd Place:
ZebrASkin44 took risks. And I appalud risks. Her collection was very fashion savvy, and very unique. To tell you the truth, I was excpecting some fur piled on top of each other with ribbons and plastic floating everywhere. But this very was refined and very beautiful. My personal favorite was the seventh look because it was very fabulous and floaty and fashionable! The eight succeeding exits from the first built to a crescendo for the finale exit; Fitted Sheath Dress w/ Flared Hem and Cascaded Insert with a fur stole that seemed to simply melt onto Lipstick's body. Sure, there was a lengthy deliberation, as there always is but this was the toughest. There was debate about the work of each of the Final Three. We'd type to each other and declare, "It's ladylurezia." Later, "It's reality." Later, yet, "It's ZebrA." And finally, "It's lucrezia!!" Collection